Sunday, June 29, 2008

Sepak Takraw Traditional Sport SEA (South-East Asia)

Facts and Figures, Sepak Takraw

Sepak Takraw is the Malay name for a sport which is a cross between badminton and volley ball. Players kick or head a rattan ball and try to get the rattan ball across the net to the other side without using hands. According to Wikipedia, this sport originated from China. It is know as "thuck thay" in Laos, "sipa" in Phillipines, simply as takraw in Thailand and in Malaysia it is sometimes referred to as sepak raga.

When it is played informally like in the video above, a group of players form a circle and try to keep the rattan ball in the air for as long as possible using just the leg to kick and the forehead to head the ball into the air.

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